A brief overview of the popular plastic surgery services in Finland
There are wide selection of the plastic surgery services in Finland (or plastiikkakirurgia as it is spelled in Finnish). They vary by price, risks and complexity, but Finnish plastic surgeons are among the best in Europe, that is why you can be completely sure, that you will get necessary and high-quality attendance. This article is about the different types of the aesthetic medicine that are available in Finland. Firstly, let us make a brief overview of weight correction procedures. When we talk about weight correction, the first thing that appears in the imagination is rasvaimu or liposuction. This kind of a surgery is one of the most popular ways to liquidate excessive fat from a body. Of course, it has its own benefits and drawbacks. It is fast, have stable results and can be applied to the certain areas of a body. However, this type of weight correction is also quite expensive and it requires a long period of recovery after the operation. The average price in Finland varying from 800 to 1200 euros for one zone. For example to liquidate fat only from the back, you should pay for three or four zones. If you are not ready for such costs or if you do not want to wait when painful bruises would disappear, you better to pay you attention to such procedure as lihavuusleikkaus or gastric bypass surgery. This operation will make your stomach smaller and you will feel full with less food. Results would not be as immediate as from the liposuction, but the costs for it are much lesser - it is about 5000 euros for full operation. When people talking about the desire to get rid of fat, they pay most attention to their abdominal area. There is a special kind of procedure, that called abdominoplasty (vatsan muotoilu). It is a complex method, which includes not only fat removing, but also delicate work with skin defects. The cost for abdominoplasty vary from 4000 to 6000 euros. The last procedure, which we want to discuss is a breast enlargement or rintojen suurennus. Traditionally, women is the main customers of plastic surgeons, and this type of operation is one of the most popular among women. Most popular and most effective way of breast enlargement is silicone implants. The price for this operation is rarely exceeds 4000 euros, also this type of procedure is recognized as one of the safest. Moreover, it does not require a long period for recovery after the operation.
Of course, this is not a full list of plastic surgery methods available in Finland - it is just a brief overlook of the most popular procedures. We hope that it will help you to make a right decision that will make your life better.
Основной причиной появления рези при мочеиспускании являются воспалительные процессы, которые распространяются на мочевой пузырь, почки, уретру и внутренние половые органы